
Specialisation Forest & Landscape

In the third year of their Bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences, students choose a specialisation that provides a deeper insight into one of the environmental systems. Each specialisation (25 ECTS) consists of four core subjects, an internship and two seminars. In addition, students can choose electives that complement the skills and methods they learn in the specialisation. The specialisation "Forest and Landscape" deals with the complex interrelationships and dynamics of forests and landscape systems as well as their significance for human well-being and prepares students for the Master's specialisation in Forest and Landscape Management.

How to get there: Bachelor in Environmental Sciences

Bachelor in Environmental Sciences

Recommendations for the specialisation in Forest & Landscape

The Academic Forestry Comission (AFK) provides a Download recommendation guide (PDF, 281 KB) for students, as preparation for the Major Forest and Landscape Management (in german)

Specialisation in Forest and Landscape Management

As part of the Master's degree programme in Environmental Sciences, students choose one of six majors. The specialisation "Forest and Landscape Management" (FLM, 40 ECTS) consists of four modules and a project-based course. The aim is for students to gain a basic understanding of the ecological and socio-economic dynamics in forests and landscapes and the multidimensionality of their management, and to acquire the skills required to solve FLM problems.
In addition to the core courses of the major, students choose elective courses (20 ECTS), which can be combined into a minor (min. 10 ECTS). The most relevant minors with regard to FLM are

  • "Minor in Catchment Management and Natural Hazards", which integrates knowledge and activities from different disciplines to provide a more holistic approach to resource management.
  • "Minor in Operations Engineering and Management for Forest and Timber Industries", which focuses on the design, control and continuous improvement of supply chains in the forestry sector.

Master in Environmental Sciences

Here you will find information on the internship for graduates, a professional internship for students specialising in forestry:

Every four years we contact our graduates to get an update on their work situation and reflect on their study time.

Graduate survey 2022

In the "News" section of the external page Swiss Journal of Forestry (SFJ), teaching related articles on "Forest and Landscape at ETH" are published every two months. The most recent ones are published here on the bottom of the page. The ones from past years can be downloaded directly from the external page SFJ website. The articles are mostly in German.

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