Andreas Rudow

Andreas Rudow
Lecturer at the Department of Environmental Systems Science
Additional information
Research area
I am interested in gaining an overall understanding of the interactions between tree species and forest ecosystems in Europe (meridional to boreal) and their significance for development in the forest sector. My focus to synthesise the various disciplines concerned with woody plant organism groups (object/system orientation). The intended synopsis will be both interdisciplinary – linking the disciplines of dendrology, plant ecology, plant genetics, forest ecology and forest management– and transdisciplinary – linking the functional levels of research, public agencies and practice. This might be called ‘ecological dendrology’, ‘applied dendrology’ or simply ‘dendrology in the broader sense’ - 'dendrology s.l.'.
My topics of interest include the following central questions:
- Special physiology of woody plants (secondary growth, ressource allocation, control of crown architecture)?
- Distribution and genetic constitution of European tree species (population biology, metapopulation structure, species history)?
- Autecology, synecology and ecological differentiation of European tree species (plasticity, ecotypes)?
- Relationships between closely related subpopulations and species (hybridation, introgression, crop wild relatives)?
- Continuous gradients in the collectivisation of European tree species (site factors, phytosociology)?
- Large-scale structures and key factors in forest ecosystems processes (geology, climate, global change)?
- Long-term strategies for the management of forest services and products (biodiversity, stability, wood production)?
- Sylvicultural steering of growth processes relevant to timber quality (site factors, young forest interventions, single tree education)?
Since 1995 I am scientist, project manageger and lecturer at the Departement of Environmental System Sciences at ETH Zurich (since 2019 full time).
Year | Education/Training + Projects/Mandates | Institution |
1989-1994 | Diploma in Forestry Engineering, Forestry Science ETH | ETH Zurich |
1992-1993 | Certificate for eligibility in higher forestry administration | FOEN Bern & ETH Zurich |
1995-1997 | Implementation orientated research on woody plant diversity (Sorbus, Castanea, Salix, rare tree species) | FOEN Bern & ETH Zurich |
1997-2012 | Project leader of the implementation orientated research project Promotion of rare tree species (SEBA) | FOEN Bern & ETH Zurich |
2000-2005 | Training in project management and leadership, courses at Human Resources ETH | ETH Zurich |
2006-2010 | Teaching Diploma in Forestry, Advanced Teachers College | ETH Zurich |
2010-today | Lecturer in dendrology, Environmental Sciences ETH | ETH Zurich |
2011-2014 | Training in methodology/didactics and elearning, didactica Uni & ETH | Uni & ETH Zurich |
2013-today | National representative in European networks for forest genetic ressources (EUFORGEN and EUFGIS) | FOEN Bern & ETH Zurich |
2013-today | Project leader of the implementation orientated research project Gene conservation units Switzerland (FGR-GCU) | FOEN Bern & ETH Zurich |
2018-today | Representative of ETH (D-USYS) in the board of Waldlabor Zurich Association, head of the ETH coordination office for projects in the Waldlabor (WaLabETH) and project leader of internal ETH projects in the Waldlabor |
Waldlabor Zurich & ETH Zurich |
Besides that, since 2001, I lead a little independant engineering firm (MOGLI solutions Baden) for the realisation of pure implementation projects, associated with reserarch (partly ETH partner projects) on woody plant diversity, forest ecology, forest management and environmental education for Federal offices (FOAG, FOEN), Cantons, Municipalities, Swiss Landscape Foundation (FLS), SILVIVA, Community University Zurich (VHSZH) and other.
Additional information
Teaching (Lecturer)
Course | since | |
701-0266-00 | Introduction to Dendrology (Dendrology I) BSc Environmental Sciences, 3rd/5th semester, autumn semester (major in Forest and Landscape, a.o.) |
2011 |
701-0316-00 | Woody Plants of Central Europe (Dendrology II) BSc Environmental Sciences, 4th/6th semester, spring semester (major in Forest and Landscape, a.o.) |
2017 |
701-0010-00 | Bachelor Thesis BSc Environmental Sciences, 5th/6th semester (BSc thesis on dendrological topics) |
2015 |
701-1620-10 | Tree Genetics - Concepts and Applications MSc Environmental Sciences, 1st/3rd semester (major in Forest and Landscape Management, a.o.) |
2019 |
061-0103-00 | Ecology and Plant Sciences MSc Landscape Architecture, 1st/3rd semester (parts on tree growth/crown architecture/habit) |
2020 |
701-0010-00 | Master Thesis MSc Environmental Sciences, 3rd/4th semester (MSc thesis on dendrological topics) |
2019 |
Teaching (Contributor)
LV | since | |
701-0026-00 | Integrated Excursions BSc Environmental Sciences, 2nd semester, spring semester (basic year, 1 excursion) |
2014 |
701-0268-00 | Biodiversity Excursions BSc Environmental Sciences, 2nd semester, spring semester (basic year, 8 excursions) |
2017 |
701-0559-00 | Seminar for Bachelor Students: Forest and Landscape BSc Environmental Sciences, 5th semester, autumn semester (major in Forest and Landscape) |
2013 |
701-1001-00 | Porfessional Internship MSc Environmental Sciences, 1st-4th semester (Supervision of compulsory 18 weeks of professional internship) |
2019 |
Current Projects
Waldlabor Zurich (2018-2019 / 2020ff): Representative of ETH (D-USYS) in the board of Waldlabor Zurich Association, head of the ETH coordination office for projects in the Waldlabor (organisational development, process organisation) and head of the ETH coordination office for projects in the Waldlabor (WaLabETH) and project leader of internal ETH projects in the Waldlabor in the area of teaching (arboretum etc.) and research (monitoring database, Quercus/Sorbus test plantings, canopy trail, etc.).
Gene conservation units Switzerland (2013-2015 / 2016-2019 / 2020-2023): Evaluation of forest reserves as gene conservation units for selected tree species. Development of a mechanism for the establishment and protection of gene conservation units in collaboration with the cantons. Data entry in the national register of gene conservation units and in EUFGIS database. Development of a monitoring concept for the record of demographic (and genetic) changes in target populations of the gene conservation units. ETH Zurich & BAFU Bern.
European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (2011-2012 / 2013-2016 / 2017-2020 / 2021-2022): Representation of Switzerland in the working groups for the paneuropean collaboration in the conservation of forest genetic resources (EUFORGEN WG6 Decision cascade tool for the identification and management of forest tree populations under threat). ETH Zurich & BAFU Bern.
Conservation of Sweet Chestnut Varieties north of the Swiss Alps (2007-2010 / 2011-2014 / 2015-2016 / 2017-2018): implementation project as part of the National Action Plan (NAP) for conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources for nutrition and agriculture of the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) for inventory, conservation and description of the sweet chestnut genetic resources (land races, varieties) north of the Swiss Alps - incl. Collection of varieties of Sweet Chestnut in Küssnacht am Rigi (ETH partner project).
Restoration of Sweet Chestnut Orchards in Central Switzerland (2006-2007 / 2008-2011 / 2012-2015 / 2016-2019 / 2020-2022): joint implementation project of the Association Pro Chestnut Central Switzerland, the Swiss Landscape Fund (FLS), the Cantons, Municipalities and private partners aims to promote the former sweet chestnut culture by restoration and conservation of a network of chestnut orchards and of singular old trees in Central Switzerland (ETH partner project).
Recent Publications
- Rudow, A., 2022: 20 Jahre Kastanienprojekte - Rückblick und Ausblick. IG Pro Kastanie Zentralschweiz. Chestene Zytig 2022: 14-17.
- Krebs, P., Beffa, C., Conedera, M., Rudow, A., 2022: Evolutione recente dei castagni monumentali. Agricoltore Ticinese 154/36: 16-17.
- Rudow, A., de Sassi, C., 2022: Neue Ansätze für die Erhaltung forstlicher Genressourcen. Inside: Natur + Landschaft. Konferenz der Beauftragten für Natur- und Landschaftsschutz. 2022/2: 18-20.
- Aas, G., Rudow, A., 2022: Bäume und Sträucher. Bestimmung wildwachsender Gehölze Mitteleuropas vorrangig nach vegetativen Merkmalen. Ökologisch-botnaischer Garten, Universität Bayreuth. 4. Auflage. 281 S.
- Rudow, A., 2022: Unsere Pappeln - vielfältige Pioniere. Zürcher Wald 2022/2: 19-23.
- Rudow, A., Bugmann, H., 2021: Waldlabor Zürich. Das Reallabor für angewandte Forschung und umfassenden Wissenstransfer zu Waldthemen nimmt Gestalt an. GAIA 30/3: 200-203.
- Rudow, A., 2021: Forstlich interessantes Multitalent Spitzahorn (Acer platanoides L.). Bündner Wald. 74/2: 16-20.
- Rudow, A., Westergren, M., Aliona, M., Baliuckas, V., Buiteveld, J., Buriánek, V., Cengel, B., Cottrell, J., de Dato, G., Järve, K., Kajba, D., Kelleher, C., Kundrotas, V., Lefèvre, F., Liesebach, M., Nagy, L., Stojnić, S., Villar, M., Yrjänä, L. Bozzano, M., 2020: Decision support tool for the management of dynamic genetic conservation units. European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (EUFORGEN), EFI, Bonn. 104 p.
- Pereira-Lorenzo, S., Bischofberger, Y., Conedera, M., Piatini, P., Crovadore, J., Chablais, R., Rudow, A., Hatt, S., Ramos-Cabrer, A.M., Barreneche, T., Lefort, F., 2020: Reservoir of the European chestnut diversity in Switzerland. Biodiversity and Conservation 29: 2217–2234.
- Rudow, A., 2019: Wald + Landschaft an der ETHZ. Das Waldlabor Zürich – ein Glücksfall. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen 170/3: 167.
- Bernasconi, A., Rudow, A., Keller, F., 2019: Das Waldlabor Zürich heute und in 100 Jahren. Zürcher Wald 2019/1: 26-30.
- Rudow, A., Rotach, P., 2018: The Implementation of Action for the Conservation, Sustainable Use and Development of Forest Genetic Resources - FAO Country Progress Report Switzerland 2017. Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU) und Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETHZ). 26 p.
- Rudow, A., 2017: 80 Bäume & Sträucher: Bestimmungshilfe für 80 häufige einheimische und eingeführte Gehölzarten. Unterlagen zu Dendrologie 1 "Einführung in die Dendrologie". ETH Zürich. 133 p.
- Rudow, A., 2017: 40 Bäume & Sträucher: Bestimmungshilfe für 40 häufige einheimische Gehölzarten. Unterlagen zu Dendrologie 1 "Einführung in die Dendrologie". ETH Zürich. 79 p.
- Rudow, A., 2016: Generhaltungsgebiete in bestehenden Waldreservaten. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen 167/6: 344-347.
- Kelleher, C. T., de Vries, S.M.G., Baliuckas, V., Bozzano, M., Frýdl , J., Gonzalez Goicoechea, P., Ivankovic, M., Kandemir, G., Koskela, J., Kozioł, C., Liesebach, M., Rudow, A., Vietto, L., Zhelev Stoyanov P, 2015: Approaches to the Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources in Europe in the Context of Climate Change. European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (EUFORGEN), Bioversity International, Rome, Italy. xiv+46 p.
- Rudow, A., 2015: Bestimmungshilfe 72 einheimische Gehölzarten. Teile Morphologie (1-4) und Ökologie (5). Dendrologie Grundlagen (2015). ETH Zürich. 145 p.
- Rudow, A., 2014: Zur Ökologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Buche (Fagus sylvatica L.). Zürcher Wald 2014/3: 4-8.
- Rudow, A., 2014: Rezension SCHULZ B (2014) Gehölzbestimmung im Winter mit Knospen und Zweigen. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen 165/9: 304-305.
- Rudow, A., Rotach, P., Küchli, C., Dürr, C., Schmid, S., Bolliger, M., 2013: The State of the World's Forest Genetic Ressources. FAO Country Report Switzerland 2012. Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU) und Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETHZ). 52 p.
- Rudow, A., Bischofberger, Y., Piattini, P., Hatt, S., 2012: Handbuch Edelkastanien-Deskriptoren (Castanea sativa Mill.). Manuel des descripteurs du châtaignier – Manuale dei descrittori del castagno – Handbook of sweet chestnut descriptors. Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft (BLW) und NAP-Datenbank BDN/NDB. 42 p.