The series is jointly organized by the following professors of the Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS): Emmanuel Frossard, Ruben Kretzschmar, Dani Or, Rainer Schulin and Johan Six.
Location: ETH Zürich, Universitätstrasse 16, CHN P12
19. December 2016, 4.15 - 5.30 p.m.
Priming Effects: Interactions between living and dead organic matter
Prof. Dr. Yakov Kuzyakov (University of Göttingen, D)
21. November 2016, 4.15 - 5.30 p.m.
Phosphorus speciation and dynamics in soils - what can XANES spectroscopy tell us, and how difficult is it to model P sorption/desorption?
Prof. Dr. Jon Petter Gustafsson (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, S)
7. November 2016, 4.15 - 5.30 p.m.
Towards the fourth dimension of soil structure exploration
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Vogel (Helmholtz, Center for Environmental Research, D)
24. October 2016, 4.15 - 5.30 p.m.
Terrestrial aboveground-belowground networks under climate change
Prof. Dr. Wim van der Putten (Netherlands Institute of Ecology, NL)
10. October 2016, 4.15 - 5.30 p.m.
Dissolved organic nitrogen cycling in soils: from pole to pole
Prof. Dr. Davey Jones (Bangor University, UK)
26. September 2016, 4.15 - 5.30 p.m.
Carbon- and phosphorus dynamics in forest soils: From aggregate surfaces to single trees
Prof. Dr. Sandra Spielvogel (University of Berne, CH)